13 rue de la scierie - 66 340 PALAU DE CERDAGNE . France
Tel: (+33) 03 52 74 03 69
Siret: 824 654 958 000 19 VAT: FR62 824 654 958
AZ MACHINERY - SLU, Capital 3,000,000 €
Headquarters: Carrer Doctor Palau, No. 8
AD600 Sant Julià de Loria. Andorra
Tel: +376 390 036
NRT: L-711694-Z Registration number: 16585
Fiscal representative of AZ MACHINERY in France:
NVOTF Group: 13 rue de la scierie - 66 340 PALAU DE CERDAGNE . France
Siret: 509 902 722 VAT: FR39 509 902 722
Director of publication: Jérôme GUIGUET
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